
DALS… 吃不飽!來自印度各地的必嘗食譜


從 Dal Makhani 到 Panchratna Dal,大多數印度家庭都將這種美味且用途廣泛的主食納入我們的日常飲食,這是對這種主食的不懈熱愛。該國的每個地區都有自己喜歡的準備方式。

Chana Dal(黃色豌豆)

剝皮鷹嘴豆在印度語中被稱為 Chana Dal。黃扁豆是北印度流行美食的一部分,主要在印度種植,富含蛋白質和營養。



  • 1 杯黃色豌豆
  • ¼ 茶匙薑黃粉
  • 2 個中等大小的西紅柿 – 切碎
  • ½ cup onions-chopped
  • ½ 杯洋蔥切碎
  • 2-3 瓣大蒜 – 切碎
  • 1 茶匙孜然種子
  • 紅辣椒粉½茶匙、薑黃粉¼茶匙、香菜粉1茶匙、阿魏1撮
  • 2 湯匙酥油(澄清黃油)或油
  • 鹽根據口味


  • 沖洗 1 杯木豆,然後在冷水中浸泡 1 小時或在熱水中浸泡 30 分鐘。
  • 取出瀝乾的扁豆,加入薑黃,然後在高壓鍋/有蓋鍋中用淡水煮
  • 在平底鍋中加熱油/酥油。先加入孜然,然後加入大蒜和生薑。炸至褐色。現在加入洋蔥和油炸,然後加入西紅柿。加入鹽和所有乾粉。炒至西紅柿煮熟,然後加入木豆及其高湯。
  • 讓它慢燉 5 分鐘,直到達到中等稠度(不應該太稠也不能太稀/如果需要,可以加入熱水)

用切碎的香菜葉裝飾,搭配印度香米或 Rotis 食用。

Chana Dal


DALS… Can’t have enough of them! Must-Try recipes from Across India

India is one of the few countries that is blessed with variety in almost every aspect, food being the most obvious one. The unquestionable love and celebration of good food has been bringing people together for many years, and when we think of good food, one of our most loved preparations comes to mind – the quintessential Dal.

From Dal Makhani to Panchratna Dal, it is the undying love for this flavoursome and versatile staple that most Indian households include in our daily diet. And each region in the country has its own favourite way of preparing them.

Chana Dal (Yellow Split Peas)

Split skinned chickpeas are known as Chana Dal in Indian language. The yellow split lentil is a part of popular cuisine in North India, majorly cultivated in India and high in protein and nutrients.



  • 1 cup Yellow Split Peas
  • ¼ teaspoon Turmeric powder
  • 2 medium tomatoes- chopped
  • ½ cup onions-chopped
  • 1 inch ginger- finely chopped
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic- finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
  • ½ tsp red chilli powder, ¼ tsp turmeric powder, 1tsp coriander powder, 1 pinch asafoetida (hing)
  • 2 tbsp Ghee (clarified butter) or Oil
  • Salt as per taste


  • Rinse 1 cup dal and Soak in cold water for an hour or in hot water for 30mins.
  • Take the drained lentils, add turmeric and cook in fresh water either in a pressure cooker/covered pot
  • In a pan heat the oil/ghee. Add the cumin first and then add garlic and ginger. Fry till brown. Now add onions and fry followed by tomatoes. Add salt and all the dry powders. Saute till the tomatoes are cooked and then add the dal along with its stock.
  • Let it simmer for 5mins till you get medium consistency (Should be neither thick nor thin/add hot water if required)

Garnish with chopped coriander leaves and serve with Basmati Rice or Rotis.
