
食譜由 @charissa_and_co_wellness 編寫。





  1. 切開棗子,去掉果核,確保不要把整個棗子切完。為奶油糊做一個小窩。把日期放在一邊。
  2. 混合巧克力奶油醬的其餘成分,完成後,您可以通過切開尖端將糊狀物刮入裱花袋或自封袋中。
  3. 只是更容易將糊狀物擠入日期的小縫隙中。
  4. 一旦日期填滿,您可以在上面撒上任何您喜歡的東西(我們使用開心果和可可),然後將其放入冰箱冷藏 40 分鐘,然後再食用。



Caramel Chocolate Creamed Protein Bites

Caramel Dates

The recipe has been written by @charissa_and_co_wellness.





  1. Cut open the dates, remove the pips, ensure not to cut the entire date all the way through. Create a little nest for the creamy paste to go into. Keep the dates aside.
  2. Blend the rest of the ingredients for the chocolate cream paste, once done for ease you can scrape the paste into a piping bag or ziplock bag by cutting the tip.
  3. It is just easier to squeeze the paste into the little gap that the date has.
  4. Once the dates are filled, you can sprinkle them with whatever you like (we used pistachios and cacao) pop it into the freezer for 40min before serving.


Keep them in the fridge for a period of a week or in the freezer for longer.
