
這種美味的素食豆腐咖哩配豌豆是一種健康的周末晚餐創意——它脂肪含量低,而且超級容易製作。 Mattar Paneer 是一種受歡迎的印度咖哩餐,在國際上享有盛譽。對於素食主義者來說,用豆腐代替 Paneer(白軟乾酪)會給他們提供享用咖哩餐的好方法。與麵包或米飯一起食用。



  1. 從準備豆腐開始。把它瀝乾,用紙巾包起來,輕輕擠去多餘的水,把豆腐切成方塊,放在一邊。
  2. 在鍋中加熱 3 湯匙油,加入月桂葉、大蒜、生薑和洋蔥,中火炒一分鐘,經常攪拌。加入咖哩粉、小茴香和薑黃,繼續煎一分鐘左右,經常攪拌。
  3. 加入西紅柿、鹽和胡椒粉,蓋上鍋蓋小火煮約 10 分鐘,偶爾攪拌。同時,在一個大平底鍋中加熱 2 湯匙油,用中火將豆腐煎至金黃色(每面約 2 分鐘)。
  4. 把醬汁從火上移開,扔掉月桂葉,把醬汁攪成泥。加入椰奶、香菜、豆腐和冷凍豌豆。重新加熱盤子並根據需要調整調味料,然後上菜!


Vegan Tofu & Peas Curry (Non-Dairy Matar Tofu Masala)


This delicious vegan tofu curry with peas is a healthy weeknight dinner idea – it’s low fat and super easy to make. Mattar Paneer is a popular Indian curry meal and is well-known internationally. For the vegans, substituting Tofu instead of Paneer (cottage cheese) will give them a great way to enjoy a curry meal. Served with bread or rice.



  1. Start by preparing the tofu. Drain it well, wrap it in a paper towel and squeeze gently to remove any excess water, cube the tofu and set aside.
  2. In a pot, heat 3 tablespoons of oil, add the bay leaf, garlic, ginger and onion and fry on medium heat for a minute, stirring often. Add the garam masala, cumin and turmeric and continue frying for another minute or so, stirring often.
  3. Add the tomatoes, salt and pepper, cover and simmer for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. In the meantime, heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a large pan and fry the tofu over medium heat until golden brown (about 2 minutes on each side).
  4. Remove the sauce from the heat, discard the bay leaf and puree the sauce. Add the coconut milk, cilantro, tofu and frozen peas. Reheat the dish and adjust the seasoning if needed, and serve!

Enjoy with bread, naan, or rice.
