Parippu 咖哩

DALS… 吃不飽!來自印度各地的必嘗食譜


從 Dal Makhani 到 Panchratna Dal,大多數印度家庭都將這種美味且用途廣泛的主食納入我們的日常飲食,這是對這種主食的不懈熱愛。該國的每個地區都有自己喜歡的準備方式。

Parippu 咖哩


這是一種美味的 moong dal 咖哩,由南印度節日期間製作的椰子和香料製成。 Parippu 咖哩與米飯以及蔬菜、泡菜和木瓜一起食用時是一頓令人欣慰的餐點。

Payasam_parippu 咖哩


  • 1/3 杯黃扁豆 (Moong Dal)
  • 2 捏薑黃
  • 1/3 茶匙芥菜籽
  • 1-2個乾紅辣椒
  • 8-10 片咖哩葉
  • 2-3 個小珍珠洋蔥,切片 [如果使用普通洋蔥
  • 取 2 湯匙糊狀物和 ¼ 杯調溫]
  • 1 湯匙 椰子油/酥油
  • 1/3 杯磨碎的椰子
  • 1 條青辣椒
  • ½ 茶匙 孜然籽
  • 鹽的味道


  • 將木豆洗淨並浸泡一個小時。瀝乾水,將木豆與 2 杯水和一小撮薑黃一起放入中等大小的平底鍋中。煮至完全煮熟。輕輕搗碎木豆。
  • 將椰子、青辣椒、1 個小洋蔥、孜然種子研磨成光滑的糊狀物。如果需要進行研磨,請加水。
  • 將糊狀物加入木豆中並加鹽調味。攪拌均勻,用小火煮。讓它燉5-7分鐘,放在一邊。
  • 在一個單獨的平底鍋中進行調溫,加熱油/酥油並加入芥菜籽。加入紅辣椒、咖哩葉和剩餘的洋蔥。炒至洋蔥變成金黃色。
  • 將回火添加到木豆中並充分混合。


Parippu Curry

Payasam_parippu curry

DALS… Can’t have enough of them! Must-Try recipes from Across India

India is one of the few countries that is blessed with variety in almost every aspect, food being the most obvious one. The unquestionable love and celebration of good food has been bringing people together for many years, and when we think of good food, one of our most loved preparations comes to mind – the quintessential Dal.

From Dal Makhani to Panchratna Dal, it is the undying love for this flavoursome and versatile staple that most Indian households include in our daily diet. And each region in the country has its own favourite way of preparing them.

Parippu Curry

Coconut flavoured lentil curry

This is a delicious moong dal curry made with coconut and spices made during festivals in South India. Parippu curry is a comforting meal when served with rice along with a side of vegetables, pickle and papaddums.

Payasam_parippu curry


  • 1/3 cup Yellow Moong Lentils (Moong Dal)
  • 2 pinch turmeric
  • 1/3 tsp mustard seeds
  • 1-2 dry red chillies
  • 8-10 curry leaves
  • 2-3 small pearl onions, sliced [if using regular onions
  • take 2 tbsp for the paste & ¼ cup for tempering]
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil/ghee
  • 1/3 cup grated coconut
  • 1 green chilli
  • ½ tsp cumin seeds
  • Salt to taste


  • Wash the Dal well and soak for an hour. Drain the water and add the dal to a medium-sized pan along with 2 cups of water and a pinch of turmeric. Boil well until fully cooked. Mash the dal lightly.
  • Grind the coconut, green chilli, 1 small onion, cumin seeds to a smooth paste. Add water if required for grinding.
  • Add the paste to the dal and season with salt. Mix well and cook on low flame. Let it simmer for 5-7 mins and keep aside.
  • In a separate pan make the tempering, heat oil/ghee and add the mustard seeds. Add the red chillies, curry leaves and remaining onion. Saute till onion turns golden brown.
  • Add the tempering to the dal and mix well.

Serve with steamed rice.
