




  • 2杯水
  • 2- 3 片生薑(切成薄片)
  • 3 顆紅棗(去籽切半)
  • 中國紅糖(可選)


  • 將水連同生薑和紅棗一起放入小鍋中。蓋起來並煮沸。
  • 煮沸後,調小火煮 15 分鐘。加入中國紅糖調味。蓋上鍋蓋再燉 5 分鐘。
  • 將茶濾入杯子中。讓茶冷卻到可以飲用的溫度,但目標是趁熱喝。



 sbo-sig 上的 nomita 文章

作者:Nomita Hathiramani

綜合營養顧問,Coco Glo 創始人

Nourishing Red Date Tea Recipe


According to Chinese medicine, blood is formed through proper digestion and absorption of food, which is mainly helped by the Spleen and Stomach. If the Spleen and Stomach Qi are weak, it will affect the blood supply and its function, which can lead to an iron deficiency.

Chinese dates can strengthen the Spleen and Stomach Qi (energy) which helps to digest food, tonify blood, boost circulation and prevent anaemia.

Having red date tea after your period helps replenish the blood you have lost, which will improve energy and give post-period pale skin a natural flush. The tea is especially beneficial after your period but can also be had during winter to keep the body warm or as a general tonic to improve complexion and immunity. The only time I would suggest not to drink it is during your period as it might increase the flow.


  • 2 cups of water
  • 2- 3 slices of ginger (thinly sliced)
  • 3 Chinese red dates (remove the seeds and halved)
  • Chinese brown sugar (optional)


  • Add the water to a small pot along with the ginger and dates. Cover and bring to a boil.
  • Once boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Add the Chinese brown sugar to taste. Cover and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  • Strain the tea into a mug. Let the tea cool to a drinkable temperature, but the goal is to drink it while it’s still hot.

I had this infusion before and after my last period and my energy levels were much higher than usual and my otherwise post-period dull skin looked radiant. Try this infusion after your next period and keep me posted!



By Nomita Hathiramani

Integrative Nutrition Consultant, Founder of Coco Glo
