Celebrate a Sustainable Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just around the corner! But how do we celebrate Thanksgiving in a sustainable fashion? Here are some tips!

Buy Locally Grown Food  This is probably the first and foremost thing you should do this Thanksgiving! Always remember that the closer the food is grown, the lower the environmental impact it will have as it reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

Buy Organic While we are on the topic of shopping consciously, let’s talk about organic food. Organic foods are grown without the use of synthetic chemicals and do not contain genetically modified organisms. The food is environmentally friendly. Also, shop all your items at once to reduce the number of trips you make!

Check Your Kitchen Before Buying Take stock of the ingredients you already have so that you only buy what you need! To go one step ahead, you can use recipes that help you make use of the ingredients and food you have in your house.

Reduce Food Waste Here’s something that will blow your mind: According to NRDC, around 200 million pounds of Turkey is thrown out every year. Now, we may live in different countries, but Earth is still our home. Stick to your shopping list, compost biodegradable food waste, donate your leftovers to the poor, and freeze what you can’t have so that it lasts longer, then remake it using creative recipes!

Go Eco-Friendly on House Decorations  It is not as hard as it seem! You might see many fallen dry leaves around, grab them and use them for a lovely garland decoration. This also extends to post-Thanksgiving – you can always recycle the paper, glass, and plastic that you had to use on Thanksgiving.

Refuse to Use Disposable Containers We always want to share our delightful feasts with others, but this Thanksgiving let’s say no to disposable containers.

Switch to a Meatless Meal if Possible According to Grove, In order to sustain a largely meat-dependent population, food production will need to increase by 70 percent by 2050. Moreover, animal products need up to 40 times the calories to produce than they provide in nutrition. The carbon footprint of a turkey is 11kg of CO2… Imagine the good that would be done in the environment if we switched to low meat diets. Even a small step can make a big difference!

We wish you a wonderful sustainable Thanksgiving, and thank YOU for helping to make this world a better place. 

With Gratitude & Thanks, Punam & the Team at SpiceBox Organics

Celebrate a Sustainable Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just around the corner! But how do we celebrate Thanksgiving in a sustainable fashion? Here are some tips!

Buy Locally Grown Food 
This is probably the first and foremost thing you should do this Thanksgiving! Always remember that the closer the food is grown, the lower the environmental impact it will have as it reduces greenhouse gas emissions. 

Buy Organic
While we are on the topic of shopping consciously, let’s talk about organic food. Organic foods are grown without the use of synthetic chemicals and do not contain genetically modified organisms. The food is environmentally friendly. Also, shop all your items at once to reduce the number of trips you make! 

Check Your Kitchen Before Buying
Take stock of the ingredients you already have so that you only buy what you need! To go one step ahead, you can use recipes that help you make use of the ingredients and food you have in your house.

Reduce Food Waste
Here’s something that will blow your mind: According to NRDC, around 200 million pounds of Turkey is thrown out every year. Now, we may live in different countries, but Earth is still our home. Stick to your shopping list, compost biodegradable food waste, donate your leftovers to the poor, and freeze what you can’t have so that it lasts longer, then remake it using creative recipes!

Go Eco-Friendly on House Decorations 
It is not as hard as it seem! You might see many fallen dry leaves around, grab them and use them for a lovely garland decoration. This also extends to post-Thanksgiving – you can always recycle the paper, glass, and plastic that you had to use on Thanksgiving.   

Refuse to Use Disposable Containers
We always want to share our delightful feasts with others, but this Thanksgiving let’s say no to disposable containers. 

Switch to a Meatless Meal if Possible
According to Grove, In order to sustain a largely meat-dependent population, food production will need to increase by 70 percent by 2050. Moreover, animal products need up to 40 times the calories to produce than they provide in nutrition. The carbon footprint of a turkey is 11kg of CO2… Imagine the good that would be done in the environment if we switched to low meat diets. Even a small step can make a big difference!

We wish you a wonderful sustainable Thanksgiving, and thank YOU for helping to make this world a better place. 

With Gratitude & Thanks, 
Punam & the Team at SpiceBox Organics
