

  • 一把有機迷你胡蘿蔔(大約 20-25 根迷你胡蘿蔔)
  • ½ 黃洋蔥
  • ½ 紅洋蔥
  • 2 條優質羊腿
  • 1 個大而多汁的番茄
  • 2個泰國綠辣椒
  • 2個泰國紅辣椒
  • 1 茶匙紅辣椒粉
  • 1 茶匙辣椒粉
  • 1個泰國青檸
  • 7-8瓣大蒜
  • 3片姜
  • 10-12 片秋葵(羊角豆)
  • 1½ 杯水
  • 橄欖油
  • 原糖




  1. 沖洗羊腿,然後將它們放入玻璃碗中。
  2. 將 1 湯匙橄欖油倒在羊肉上,撒上 ½ 湯匙海鹽,然後稍微按摩羊肉。
  3. 將 1 個青檸汁擠在羊肉上,加入 2 茶匙蒜末,然後再按摩羊肉。
  4. 讓羊肉靜置並醃製約 35-40 分鐘,同時準備蔬菜燉湯底料。


  1. 將 6-7 瓣大蒜、3 片生薑、½ 個紅洋蔥和 ½ 個黃洋蔥放入食品加工機中(或用手切碎並充分混合)。
  2. 將蒜末、薑末和洋蔥放入鍋中,用小火加熱,蓋上蓋子。 (在蔬菜開始出汗之前無需添加橄欖油。)
  3. 將多汁的大番茄和秋葵切成丁,將泰國青辣椒和紅辣椒斜切成細條,放入鍋中。稍微攪拌一下鍋中的配料,然後再次蓋上蓋子。
  4. Slice the baby carrots in half and set aside.
  5. Once the veggies start sweating, add in 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of paprika, a handful of the sliced baby carrots, 1 teaspoon of sea salt, 1 teaspoon of red chilli powder and add 1 cup of water.
  6. Stir all the ingredients well in the pot and cover the pot again for 5-8 minutes. (By this time, the lamb should have been marinating for around 35-40 minutes).
  7. Place the lamb leg in the pot, and continue to cook on low heat with the lid on.
  8. Set your timer for 25-30 minutes to check on the pot; if the stew seems a bit dry, add in ½ cup of water, stir it around and turn the meat.
  9. Set timer to 35-40 minutes.
  10. Cut into one of the bigger pieces of the lamb to make sure it is thoroughly cooked–the meat should be tender and juicy and ready to serve!

Serving suggestions
Serve with a side of vegetables and rice, mashed potato or organic white quinoa.
